spiritual intelligenceの例文
- Measurement of spiritual intelligence relies on self-reporting.
- Definitions of spiritual intelligence rely on the concept of spirituality as being distinct from religiosity.
- It has been argued that Spiritual Intelligence cannot be recognized as a form of intelligence.
- His most-known works are in the field of holistic education and spiritual intelligence.
- Before the known world was created by God, he created a great number of spiritual intelligences.
- He also offers courses, graduate programs, conferences and seminars about holistic education, spiritual intelligence and Advaita Vedanta.
- Bragdon explains that emotional intelligence ( EQ ) and spiritual intelligence ( SQ ) join IQ as new measures of intelligence.
- Gallegos coordinates the Master, PhD and Postdoctoral programs in Holistic Education and Spiritual Intelligence at the International Foundation for Holistic Education.
- Danah Zohar coined the term " spiritual intelligence " and introduced the idea in 1997 in her book " ReWiring the Corporate Brain ".
- So far, measurement of spiritual intelligence has tended to rely on self-assessment instruments, which some claim can be susceptible to false reporting.
- The idea behind the development of this scale was to generate and assess the concept of spiritual intelligence in the collectivist culture bounded with eastern philosophy.
- But if we did educate to enhance emotion and spiritual intelligence they would be getting the education they need to really be in touch with their needs.
- Howard Gardner, originator of multiple intelligence theory, chose not to include spiritual intelligence amongst his intelligences due to the challenge of codifying quantifiable scientific criteria.
- He emphasizes a distinction between an inherent spirituality shared by everyone, and the individual option of actively training and developing what he refers to as spiritual intelligence.
- However, contemporary researchers continue to explore the viability of Spiritual Intelligence ( often abbreviated as " SQ " ) and to create tools for measuring and developing it.
- Frances Vaughan offers the following description : " Spiritual intelligence is concerned with the inner life of mind and spirit and its relationship to being in the world ."
- The Scale for Spiritual Intelligence ( SSI; Kumar & Mehta, 2011 ) is a 20-item, self-report measure of spiritual intelligence in adolescents.
- The Scale for Spiritual Intelligence ( SSI; Kumar & Mehta, 2011 ) is a 20-item, self-report measure of spiritual intelligence in adolescents.
- According to Stephen Covey, " Spiritual intelligence is the central and most fundamental of all the intelligences, because it becomes the source of guidance for the others ."
- Ramon Gallegos has also developed new educative models, such as the Holistic Educative Multinivel-Multidimension model, the Learning Communities Model, and the Holistic Model of Spiritual Intelligence.